Civil Society Organizations contribute $196m into the Rwandan economy

RGB CEO Dr Usta Kaitesi cuts the ribbon while unveiling the CSO contribution report

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) commonly referred to as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) contributed over $196m during the 2018-2019 financial years, through their different projects throughout the country.

According to a report launched today jointly by  Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) and NINGO, CSOs registered under these umbrella organizations also injected over Rwf255b ($428m) in Rwanda’s economy through their different projects during the 2009-2010 periods.

The inaugural report launched under the theme, Delivering to Rwanda’s Transformative Agenda and endorsed by the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) presents trends and challenges in financing development and highlights two separate periods (2009/2010 and 2018/2019) on CSO/international NGO’s contribution to key sectors of citizen participation which include women’s empowerment, financial inclusion, justice and peace building, inclusive education and agriculture.

In the FY 2009-2010, CSOs injected RWF 254,833,597,195 (or US$428,291,760) into the Rwandan economy, while in 2018-2019, the contribution was recorded at US$ 196,000,000.  Of this total budget, NINGO members expended US$ 134,004,235.

While presiding over the launch even that attracted representative from key government ministries and the donor community, Dr Usta Kaitesi, the Chief Executive Officer of the RGB, commended the partnership between the local CSOs and International NGOs to creating impact on communities and livelihoods.

“By working together and aligning our efforts we significantly improve our ability to positively impact lives,” said Sean Kerrigan, the NINGO Chairperson.

We reflect on the progress made as CSOs and our stakeholders from Government and development partners and renew our commitment towards delivering as one to achieve Rwanda’s Development Agenda,” added Dr Joseph Nkurunziza, the Chairperson and the Board of Director of RCSP.

Both officials applauded the government and development for the continued support to CSOs and INGOs especially during the challenging times of COVID-19 and pledged to continue supporting those still in need.

Useful quotes from the report, “The contribution of CSO to the overall development of Rwanda and the country’s achievement of MDGs is huge. Poverty reduced from 58.9% in 2000 to 38.2% in 2017. Literacy rates for youth aged 15-24 years increased from 48% in 2000 to 86.5% (EICV5) in 2017. Malnutrition (stunting) reduced from 42% in 2000 to 35% in 2018. There was improvement in life expectancy from 48.65% in 2000 to 67.8% in 2020,”

CSOs have also contributed immensely to inclusive governance and gender promotion including but not limited to, promoting citizen participation and fighting Gender Based Violence respectively.

The Rwanda Civil Society Platform is an umbrella of civil society organizations operating in Rwanda. It works as a framework for reflection, exchange of information, and mutual respect as well as advocating for members on issues pertaining to interventions and the well-being of citizens. The RCSP was created in 2004 and is composed of 14 national umbrellas and one individual NGO. It has a total number of more than 800 member organizations.

The Network of International NGOs (NINGO) is a body that converges over 78 International INGOs and it provides a platform for members to dialogue, build synergies, showcase best practices and share issues of common interest.






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