New Project Hinga Wunguke will improve farmer’s access to markets

An agro dealer in Ngororero using a MOPA online payment system. Photo/Courtesy.
Hinga Wunguke Activity is designed to increase the incomes of Rwandan farmers and agribusinesses, boosting agricultural productivity and bolstering domestic consumption and the availability of high-value, nutritious agricultural products.
Who it is: The Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Wunguke Activity is a five-year (2023 – 2028) USAID-funded program. The program applies a market systems development (MSD) approach to strengthen private-sector engagement through partnerships to increase agricultural productivity and farmer income, and improve consumption of nutritious agricultural products.
Where it works: Hinga Wunguke centers its activities in 13 districts (Feed the Future Zone of Influence), namely: Bugesera, Burera, Gakenke, Gatsibo, Karongi, Kayonza, Ngoma, Nyabihu, Nyamagabe, Nyamasheke, Ngororero, Rubavu, and Rutsiro. It r, works with both public and private sector actors in rural, urban, and peri-urban areas across Rwanda relevant for a well-functioning system in select agriculture sectors.
How it works: Hinga Wunguke utilizes a market systems development (MSD) approach, co-investing with and working with public and private actors to facilitate inclusive, demand-driven sustainable changes in the agriculture sector relevant to nutrition.
Their key partners: The Government of Rwanda, the private sector, cooperatives, associations, and entrepreneurs.
Their expected impact:
1,000,000 individuals participating in the program;
500,000 farmers using climate information or implementing risk-reducing actions to improve resilience to climate change;
$20 million in agriculture-related financing facilitated;
$10 million increase in annual sales of producers and firms receiving USG assistance.
Jean Luc Habagusenga