The 6th Edition of Rwanda Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law

The 6th Edition of Rwanda Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law.
This competition is jointly organized by the ICRC Delegation in Rwanda, Schools of law namely the University of Rwanda (UR), the Independent University of Kigali (ULK), INES-Ruhengeri, the University of Lay Adventists of Kigali (UNILAK), the University of Kigali (UoK) and the Rwanda Red Cross Society (RRCS).
Only full-time or part-time law students at one of the above-mentioned universities during the academic year of the competition can take part in this competition.
This is the sixth edition of the Annual National Moot Court Competition on IHL in Rwanda. The first edition was launched in October 2016 with the following three main objectives : developing an increased awareness and interest in IHL in academic institutions in Rwanda ; promoting academic excellence in the student community and developing advocacy skills in an environment of friendly competition; and enhancing students’ knowledge of the role and humanitarian mandate of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement.
Based on their outstanding performance, the winning team will be fully sponsored by the ICRC to represent Rwanda in the All-Africa IHL Moot Court Competition to be held in Arusha (Tanzania), which brings together the winning teams from across the continent.
Established in 1863, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been conferred a mandate by the International community to protect and assist persons affected by armed conflict. This mandate includes the development and promotion of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), including in times of peace. In the fulfillment of this responsibility, the ICRC is active in disseminating and promoting IHL within academic circles worldwide, including in Rwanda.