Rwanda holds its first National Seed Congress

Kigali, July 31st, 2023 Rwanda held its first National Seed Congress bringing together actors in country’s seed sector which aims to review relevant strategic goals in the country’s seed sector, facilitate mutual accountability, and identify synergies, linkages, and complementarities on the achievement of the main goals about the private sector’s Rwanda strategic roadmap for seed industry from now up to 2030.

A two-day event that is happening in Kigali from 31st to 1st 2023 was organized by the National Seed Association of Rwanda (NSAR) in partnership with the country’s Private Sector Federation (PSF), the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM), One Acre Fund, Bank of Kigali (BK), and other key stakeholders in agriculture sector.

Organized under the theme of “Private Sector’s Strategic Roadmap for Rwanda Seed Industry 2030”, the first Rwanda National Seed Congress 2023, will lay a foundation towards driving a 7-year agenda for attaining food and nutrition security, reducing poverty, boosting intra- African trade, and enhancing the resilience of production systems and future investments by starting with the right seeds.

Hon. Minister Dr. Ildephonse Musafiri.

Opening the event, Hon. Minister, Dr. Ildephonse MUSAFIRI expressed the hope that this National Seed Congress 2023 will yield concrete and actionable commitments from both the public and private sectors and asked actors in country’s seed sector to seize this opportunity to make a lasting impact and shape a brighter future for the nation.

“I express the hope that this National Seed Congress 2023 will yield concrete and actionable commitments from both the public and private sectors. It is our collective aspiration that through this event, we can foster transformative changes in the agriculture sector and particularly the seed industry. By working together, we can improve the livelihoods of millions of our fellow citizens and contribute significantly to the delivery of prosperity across Rwanda. Let us seize this opportunity to make a lasting impact and shape a brighter future for our nation.” He said

Speaking about the event, NSAR’s Chairperson, Innocent Namuhoranye, described the meeting as an opportunity to review improvements made in Rwanda’s seed system over the last seven years, identify remaining gaps, and plan for the journey ahead towards a well- defined and stable framework for the development of an effective and sustainable seed system in Rwanda.

“Through the Private sector lens, we intend to offer an opportunity for us all to share our views and recommendations for the improvement of existing seed policies and legislation, taking into consideration local, regional and internationally accepted practices and processes,” he said in a message welcoming stakeholders to the meeting.

The first Rwanda National Seed Congress 2023 will bring together about 800 representatives of seed companies, seed specialists, and seed policymakers from Rwanda, the continent and the globe.

Among other topics, the congress will discuss on the private sector’s Strategic Roadmap for Rwanda Seed Industry 2030, how to transform Africa’s agriculture through building robust and resilient seed systems, how to attract young bright talent into the agriculture sector, how farmers can benefit from quality seeds emerging from improved varieties, and how to get financing solutions for agricultural value chains.


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