Revival Conference collects East African Youth together

Pastor Raamjane Joshua preaching the congregation. @Felix

East African Youth Conference Season I held yesterday, 28th November, 2022 at Eglise de Lounge- Gikondo, gathered youth across difference countries and churches in an uphold to expand kingdom of God.

East African Youth Conference organized by Atawale International Ministries founded by Pastor Ramjaane Joshua, a very renowned Rwandan actor and comedian residing in USA, along with other partners like Urugero Media led by Ntamvutsa Arnold established a conference directed to the youth’s challenges within church and help them suggest their possible solutions.

Pst. Raamjane Joshua, a founder of Atawale International Ministries.

Pastor Ramjaane Joshua shared a discourse of motivation and strong faith in God that when the time is right, the miracle happens. However, he also challenged the youth to remove any sort of religious customs and stereotype because they obstruct them from obtaining God’s call upon them.

This comes following a youth recession in attending church services around the world. Pst. Rmjaane reminded the youth that, the church is them and God is willing to use their hands and heart to perform miracles.

Spiritual comfort was immense as the youth praised and danced to God.

Pastor Vincent Rucamubicika from Ufufo na Uzima Church acknowledged this conference owing it mean to revive and refresh the youth who had started to weaken in pertaining in church activities.

“We really need to observe our church manners in a way it doesn’t discourage others because, worldly life might be sweeter to our youth but we tend to tighten them up in a way that negatively affect their integration with their churches.

He also added, “I also believe that having youth speaking out their hearts today stands as key step to address the challenges mentioned and it is at the same time, a good assurance of better future pastors.”

Youth has a chance to worship and praise halfway through the conference.

Later on, pastors and youth participants went divided into groups to learn, discuss the challenges tampering youth from going to church and also solutions to those obstacles. Thereafter, they did presentation and among challenges mentioned, the church doctrines, lack of leadership skills in some church leaders, financial discrimination and youth misconduct were the top challenges as counselling, trusting and empowering youth came as possible response to them.

Pst. Byamukama David from Kampala, Uganda said that this conference is going to “transform the understanding of their youth to arise and shine in their calling” and vowed to shared the content received to his congregation in Uganda.

Pawad Aban from South Sudan applauded the way, “this conference tackled the root cause of why young people are they leaving a church” and also rebuked the youth that this is the time to bear their fruits, not to explain nor relax.

Tom Niyonkuru, a participant, asserted that a generational difference, church doctrine and lack of trust in elders stand as great barriers to the youth in church. He said, “we are judged when we worship God in our unique youthful ways but here we have learnt that God has a will to use you whoever you are, look or dress as long as God’s focus lies on a humility instead of a physical appearance or what you do.”

Sangiza abandi iyi nkuru

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